C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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/* demoheap.c
* this file shows how to allocate blocks on the heap,
* free some of them, allocate more later,
* access them at different times, etc...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "wtwg.h"
#define farmemcpy(dest,src,num) \
movedata (FP_SEG(src), FP_OFF(src), FP_SEG(dest), FP_OFF(dest), num )
main ()
#define HPMAX 50 /* number of heap items. */
#define ELSZ 100 /* bytes per item. */
WHEAP_PTR hlist[HPMAX]; /* array of ptrs to WHEAP elements */
int n;
int priority;
char far *ptr;
char buff[ELSZ];
winit ('T' );
/* The heap manager allocates first to expanded memory until that is full,
* then to far ram, and when that runs out, allocates to disk.
* The amount of far ram used is limitted by the global variable
* wheap_ramlimit.
* Setting wheap_ramlimit to 0 shuts off use of ram (only xms & disk used)
* Setting wheap_ramlimit to very large (1 MEG) allows use of all avail ram
* If you have data that MUST be stored in regular (far) ram,
* or in LARGE model want enough ram left over for important data,
* set wheap_limit large enough to hold that data.
wheap_ramlimit = 1000000L; /* shuts off use of ram for demo prog. */
wclear ();
for ( n= 0; n<HPMAX; ++n )
priority = n%3 +1; /* use priorities that rotate 1-2-3 */
hlist[n] = wheap_alloc ( ELSZ, priority, "main" );
wprintf("item #%3.3i. Stored %s. Remaining expanded memory = %0.7ul\n",
n, ( hlist[n]->whp_flag == WHP_DSK )? "on disk": "in xram",
wheap_availxms() );
ptr = wheap_access ( hlist[n] , 0);
sprintf ( buff, "heap element #%i\n",n);
farmemcpy ( ptr, buff, 1+strlen (buff) );
wheap_deaccess ( hlist[n], 1 );
if ( n==3 )
/* Demo how to move a heap item from RAM/XMS to disk
wheap_swap2dsk ( hlist[n] );
if ( n==2 )
wheap_free ( hlist[n] );
/* Demo how to swap all heap elements of a specified priority to disk
wheap_swapall2dsk ( 2 ); /* priority 2 items get swapped */
/* read the items back from the heap
for ( n=0; n<HPMAX; ++n )
if (n !=2 ) /* number 2 was freed earlier */
ptr = wheap_access ( hlist[n], 1 );
farmemcpy ( buff, ptr, ELSZ );
wputs (buff);
wheap_free ( hlist[n] );
wputs ( "\nthats all" );
/* The disk file is automatically deleted
* and expanded memory returned to the system
* by the shutdown routine.
return (0);